Friday 25 September 2015


                                 COMPUTER ORGANISATION AND ARCHITECTURE
                                                         BCS-301 2014
Q1.What do you understand from Von-Numann Machine model?Explain the 3-Subsystem of Von Numann Model with a block diagram.                                                                                                                  
Q2.Write briefly on General purpose registers and their Functions.
Q3.What is Microprogrammed Control Organisation?Explain the Working of Microprogrammed Control unit(MCU) with a block diagram.

Q4.Why DMA is important?Explain its characteristics with the help of a block diagram.
Q5.What is Virtual memory?Why it is important for a Computer System?Explain it with a block diagram.

Q6.What is Cache Memroy?How the mapping functions work in cache memory?
Q7.What do you mean by Pipeline processing?Describe the pipeline processors according to level o processing.

Q8.Wxplain the following categories of computer Architecture:
a)SISD     b)SIMD     c)MISD      d)MIMD
Q9.What are the functions of a Microprocessor?How the Microprocessor is different from CPU?

Q10.Write down short notes on any two:-
a)What does 16-Bit and 32-Bit exactly mean?
b)I/O Parts
c)Pentium Dual-Core vs Quad-Core Processors

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