Wednesday 30 September 2015

Optics sessional BPH-302

Q1.Describe the formation of interference fringes in Fresnel's biprism.Discuss the method for the measurement of wavelength of a monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel's bprism.

Q2.a)Find the condition of maxima and minima in case of interference of light by a wedge shaped film.
     b)In Fresnel's biprism experiment,on inserting a thin transparent glass plate(refractive index 1.5) in the path of one of the interfering beams of light(wavelength 6000 A),it is found that central bright fringe shifts in to the position already occupied by 5th bright fringe.Calculate the thickness of the glass plate.

Q3.Describe the formation of interfernce fringes in Lloyd'd mirror.What are achromatic fringes?

Q4.Describe the formation of Newton's rings.Obtain expression for the diameter of dark and bright rings.How will you measure the wavelength of a monochromatic light with the help of newton's rings?

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